Tuesday 10 December 2013

opening sequence for harry potter

In this opening sequence of harry potter the chamber or secrets, the music suggests a magical, spooky feel, i also know that the music is iconic as it is used in other harry potter films, this is iconic to any one who has watched the film as it is distinctive and would of been heard before. The Warner Brothers PIctures logo is first to be shown hidden behind clouds which carrys on the magical feel for the movie. The next this to be shown is the title of the movie, i think that by putting the title first it gives off the impression of what type of film the veiwer is watching espically with the music still playing, the font and colour of the title is also iconic as it is the same in every harry potter film.
the dark setting when it cranes into the house makes the audience wonder where we are going next. as the camera moves into the house we see Harry, as we know he is the main character the first shot is on him. as it goes over his shoulder we see the moving picture book, this idea creates another magical scene. as we can see the music stops as it goes in to scene of him and his owl. i think this film is a every iconic film and uses alot of continuity with the titles and credits.

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